military rank of the French Army and Air Force
Attributes | Values |
rdf:type | |
description |
rdfs:label |
skos:prefLabel |
name |
instance of | |
instance of | |
country | |
country | |
subclass of | |
subclass of | |
rank insignia | |
rank insignia | |
Google Knowledge Graph ID | |
Google Knowledge Graph ID | |
Google Knowledge Graph ID |
NATO code for grade | |
NATO code for grade | |
skos:altLabel |
military branch | |
topic's main category | |
military branch | |
topic's main category | |
is about of | |
is object has role of | |
is item for this sense of | |
is next lower rank of | |
is next lower rank of | |
is followed by of | |
is occupation of | |
is position held of | |
is military rank of |