. . . "Petrides, O. Paris, 6 ave Delcasse/153 rue la Boetie. Born in Cyprus. British subject, naturalised French. One of the most active collaborationist dealers. Worked with Adrion, through whom he sold Renoir bronzes and a Rembrandt to Boehmer, and Rosner and Rochlitz, from whom he acquired paintings looted by the ERR from the Paul Rosenberg collection, and which he later sold to Zervos. In touch with Borchers, Schoeller and Cailleux. Reported to have assets concealed under the name of Mme Kruger (sister-in-law, 53 ave Foch) and Mlle Bosc, also a sister-in-law (17 rue Jean Mermoz). Indicted by French Government (Seine Tribunal, Judge Frapier)."@en .