"J S Walton" . "523-540" . . "4" . . "im Oktober 1986 ver\u00F6ffentlichter wissenschaftlicher Artikel"@de . . "16726217" . "Plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone and progesterone during superovulation of dairy cows using follicle stimulating hormone or pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin"@en . "art\u00EDculu cient\u00EDficu espubliz\u00E1u n'ochobre de 1986"@ast . . . "Plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone and progesterone during superovulation of dairy cows using follicle stimulating hormone or pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin"@nl . . . . "K E Leslie" . "10.1016/0093-691X(86)90043-9" . . . "Plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone and progesterone during superovulation of dairy cows using follicle stimulating hormone or pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin"@en . "\u043D\u0430\u0443\u043A\u043E\u0432\u0430 \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0442\u044F, \u043E\u043F\u0443\u0431\u043B\u0456\u043A\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043D\u0430 \u0432 \u0436\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043D\u0456 1986"@uk . . . "scientific article published on 01 October 1986"@en . "M C Yadav" . "Plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone and progesterone during superovulation of dairy cows using follicle stimulating hormone or pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin"@en . . "26" . "Plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone and progesterone during superovulation of dairy cows using follicle stimulating hormone or pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin"@nl . "1986-10-01T00:00:00Z"^^ . . "wetenschappelijk artikel"@nl . "Plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone and progesterone during superovulation of dairy cows using follicle stimulating hormone or pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin"@nl . . "Plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone and progesterone during superovulation of dairy cows using follicle stimulating hormone or pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin"@en . . .