"dru\u017Eina podenot proteinskih kompleksov"@sl . . "fam\u00EDlia de subunitats de complexos proteics"@ca . . "family of subunits of protein complexes"@en . "set of proteins that function mostly as subunit of some protein complex; (optionally) specify the famil(ies) of complexes with the \"of\"(P642) qualifier"@en . "fam\u00EDlia de subunitats de complexos proteics"@ca . . "fam\u00EDlia de subunitats de complexos proteics"@ca . "family of subunits of protein complexes"@en . "family of subunits of protein complexes"@en . . . "subunit family"@en . "dru\u017Eina podenot proteinskih kompleksov"@sl . "dru\u017Eina podenot beljakovinskih kompleksov"@sl . "dru\u017Eina podenot proteinskih kompleksov"@sl .