. "Leaf phenology sensitivity to temperature in European trees: Do within-species populations exhibit similar responses?"@en . "Leaf phenology sensitivity to temperature in European trees: Do within-species populations exhibit similar responses?"@nl . "Leaf phenology sensitivity to temperature in European trees: Do within-species populations exhibit similar responses?"@en . . "149" . . "2009-05-01T00:00:00Z"^^ . . "Leaf phenology sensitivity to temperature in European trees: Do within-species populations exhibit similar responses?"@nl . . . . . . "10.1016/J.AGRFORMET.2008.10.019" . "im Mai 2009 ver\u00F6ffentlichter wissenschaftlicher Artikel"@de . . "Jean-Yves Pontailler" . . . . . "5" . . . . . . "\u043D\u0430\u0443\u043A\u043E\u0432\u0430 \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0442\u044F, \u043E\u043F\u0443\u0431\u043B\u0456\u043A\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043D\u0430 \u0432 \u0442\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043D\u0456 2009"@uk . . "wetenschappelijk artikel"@nl . . . . "Leaf phenology sensitivity to temperature in European trees: Do within-species populations exhibit similar responses?"@en . . . "Jean-Marc Louvet" . "Leaf phenology sensitivity to temperature in European trees: Do within-species populations exhibit similar responses?"@en . "735-744" . "article"@en . . "Eric Dufr\u00EAne" . "Leaf phenology sensitivity to temperature in European trees: Do within-species populations exhibit similar responses?"@nl . .