"Gone with the Wind"@ro . "Gone with the Wind"@de . "Jazz-Titel"@de . "Gone with the Wind"@it . "Gone with the Wind"@ast . "original song composed by Allie Wrubel, lyrics by Herb Magidson"@en . "mc0002483730" . . . "Gone with the Wind"@sv . "T-070.064.775-1" . "Gone with the Wind"@pt . "Gone with the Wind"@en . "lied van Horace Heidt"@nl . . "1937-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^ . "Gone with the Wind"@nl . . "/m/0fsdbw" . . "Gone with the Wind"@it . "Gone with the Wind"@it . "Gone with the Wind"@fi . "Gone with the Wind"@sq . . . "Gone with the Wind"@da . "Gone with the Wind"@nn . "canzone di Horace Heidt"@it . "Gone with the Wind"@ro . . . "Gone with the Wind"@ast . . "Gone with the Wind"@en . "Gone with the Wind"@tr . "Gone with the Wind (cantar d'Horace Heidt)"@ast . . "Gone with the Wind"@fi . "Gone with the Wind"@fi . "\u98A8\u3068\u5171\u306B\u53BB\u308A\u306C (\u66F2)"@ja . "Gone with the Wind"@pt . "Gone with the Wind"@nl . "Gone with the Wind"@tr . . "Gone with the Wind"@se . . . . "Gone with the Wind"@sq . . . "Gone with the Wind"@pl . "Gone with the Wind"@da . "Gone with the Wind"@da . . "Gone with the Wind"@hu . . . . "Gone with the Wind"@es . . . "Gone with the Wind"@eu . . . "Gone with the Wind"@ca . . "Gone with the Wind"@nl . . "Gone with the Wind"@sv . "Gone with the Wind"@pt . . "11794" . "Gone with the Wind"@en . "Gone with the Wind"@tr . "Gone with the Wind"@hu . "Gone with the Wind"@hu . "Gone with the Wind"@es . . "Gone with the Wind"@se . "Gone with the Wind"@es . . "Gone with the Wind"@nb . "Gone with the Wind"@eu . "Gone with the Wind"@eu . "Gone with the Wind"@pl . "Gone with the Wind"@nn . "Gone with the Wind"@ro . "Gone with the Wind"@nb . "Gone with the Wind"@nb . "Gone with the Wind"@ca . . "Gone with the Wind"@ca . "Gone with the Wind"@sv . . . "Gone with the Wind"@fr . . "Gone with the Wind"@se . . "\u98A8\u3068\u5171\u306B\u53BB\u308A\u306C (\u66F2)"@ja . "Gone with the Wind"@de . "\u98A8\u3068\u5171\u306B\u53BB\u308A\u306C (\u66F2)"@ja . "Gone with the Wind"@ast . . . "mc0002640461" . . . . . . "Gone with the Wind"@sq . "5a4941b9-bd1b-3c19-ac29-4c029c24e48d" . "Gone with the Wind"@en . "Gone with the Wind"@pl . "cantar d'Horace Heidt"@ast . "Gone with the Wind"@fr . . . . "Gone with the Wind"@fr . . "Gone with the Wind"@de . "Gone with the Wind"@nn . .