. . "Guidelines concerning the implementation of the Joint Declaration February 2001 (Handreichung vom Februar 2001) Revised November 2007 and May 2013"@en . . "Guidelines concerning the implementation of the Joint Declaration February 2001 (Handreichung vom Februar 2001) Revised November 2007 and May 2013"@en . . . "Bernd Neumann MP Minister of State in the Federal Chancellery Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media" . . . . . . "Guidelines for implementing the Statement by the Federal Government, the L\u00E4nder and the national associations of local authorities on the tracing and return of Nazi-con\uFB01scated art, especially Jewish property, of December 1999 of February 2001 as revised in November 2007"@en . "Guidelines concerning the implementation of the Joint Declaration February 2001 (Handreichung vom Februar 2001) Revised November 2007 and May 2013"@en . . . . . "Handreichungzur Umsetzung der \u201EErkl\u00E4rung der Bundesregierung, der L\u00E4nder und der kommunalen Spitzenverb\u00E4nde zur Auffindung und zur R\u00FCckgabe NS-verfolgungsbedingt entzogenen Kulturgutes, insbesondere aus j\u00FCdischem Besitz\u201C vom Dezember 1999vom Februar 2001 \u00FCberarbeitet im November 2007"@de . "2001-02-01T00:00:00Z"^^ . . . . "document"@en .