"Periodicity in the continua and broad line curves of a quasar E1821+643"@en . "A. I. Shapovalova" . "article scientifique publi\u00E9 en 2017"@fr . . "D. Ili\u0107" . "A. Kova\u010Devi\u0107" . . "Periodicity in the continua and broad line curves of a quasar E1821+643"@en . . . . . . . . "362" . . . . "Periodicity in the continua and broad line curves of a quasar E1821+643"@en . . "Periodicity in the continua and broad line curves of a quasar E1821+643"@en . . . "1701.01566" . . "2" . . "2017-01-19T00:00:00Z"^^ . . . "10.1007/S10509-017-3009-Z" .