. "https://roman-gardens.github.io/province/$1/" . "GRE identifier"@en . . . "Roma \u0130mparatorlu\u011Fu Bah\u00E7eleri kimli\u011Fi"@tr . "identificativo GRE"@it . "Gardens of the Roman Empire ID"@dag . "\u043A\u043E\u0434 Gardens of the Roman Empire"@ru . . . . . . . . . "Roma \u0130mparatorlu\u011Fu'nda yer alan onaylanm\u0131\u015F bah\u00E7eleri \u00E7evrim i\u00E7i olarak sunan veri taban\u0131ndaki tan\u0131mlay\u0131c\u0131"@tr . . . . . . "identificativo Gardens of the Roman Empire"@it . "Gardens of the Roman Empire-identificatiecode"@nl . . . . "dalinli din be Gardens of the Roman Empire online scholarly corpus za\u014Bti gariche din be Roman Empire"@dag . . . . . . "Gardens of the Roman Empire-identificatiecode"@nl . . . . . . . "identifiant Gardens of the Roman Empire"@fr . "GRE ID"@en . . . . . . . "identificativo nel database Gardens of the Roman Empire"@it . . "identifiant Gardens of the Roman Empire"@fr . "\u043A\u043E\u0434 Gardens of the Roman Empire"@ru . . . "Gardens of the Roman Empire ID"@en . "Gardens of the Roman Empire ID"@fr . "GRE kimli\u011Fi"@tr . . "identifiant dans le corpus scientifique en ligne de Gardens of the Roman Empire d'un jardin attest\u00E9 dans l'Empire romain"@fr . . . . "Gardens of the Roman Empire kimli\u011Fi"@tr . . "Gardens of the Roman Empire ID"@en . . . . "[a-z0-9\\/\\_\\.\\-]+" . "identificativo Gardens of the Roman Empire"@it . "identifier in the Gardens of the Roman Empire online scholarly corpus for gardens attested in the Roman Empire"@en . . "Gardens of the Roman Empire ID"@dag . . . . . . . . "identificativo Gardens of the Roman Empire"@it . "Gardens of the Roman Empire-identificatiecode"@nl . . . . . "Gardens of the Roman Empire identifier"@en . . "Gardens of the Roman Empire ID"@en . . "identifiant Gardens of the Roman Empire"@fr . "Gardens of the Roman Empire ID"@dag . "\u043A\u043E\u0434 Gardens of the Roman Empire"@ru . "Roma \u0130mparatorlu\u011Fu Bah\u00E7eleri kimli\u011Fi"@tr . "^https?:\\/\\/roman-gardens\\.github\\.io\\/province\\/([a-z0-9\\/\\_\\.\\-]+)\\/" . . . . . "Roma \u0130mparatorlu\u011Fu Bah\u00E7eleri kimli\u011Fi"@tr . . . . . .