identificativo YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europeкод YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europeمُعرِّف موسوعة المعهد العلمي اليديشي لليهود في أوروبا الشرقيةідэнтыфікатар Энцыкляпэдыі жыдоў Усходняй Эўропы YIVOYIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe-IDYIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe IDidentifiant YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern EuropeYIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe IDID YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern EuropeYIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe-identificatiecodeמזהה אנציקלופדיית ייוואidentificador YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe