part of theology dealing with the theoretical truths of faith concerning God and God’s works, especially the official theology recognized by an organized Church body
part of theology dealing with the theoretical truths of faith concerning God and God’s works, especially the official theology recognized by an organized Church body (en)
denkactiviteit rond de leer van de Kerk (nl)
dogmatika (id)
teolooglaž mättaaunâs (sms)
studfako de teologio pri la oficialaj dogmoj de iu eklezio (romkatolika, ktp.) (eo)
teologinen oppiaine, joka järjestelmällisesti käsittelee kristinuskon oppia eli dogmaa (fi)
parte de la teología que trata de las verdades teóricas de la fe, relativas a Dios y sus obras (es)
del teologije, ki obravnava teoretične resnice vere o Bogu in božjih delih, zlasti uradna teologija, ki jo priznava organizirano cerkveno telo (sl)