room or building associated with a church building, general for community and charitable use
Attributes | Values |
rdf:type | |
owl:sameAs | |
description |
rdfs:label |
skos:prefLabel |
name |
Freebase ID | |
Freebase ID |
subclass of | |
subclass of | |
has use | |
has use | |
occupant | |
occupant | |
Thésaurus de la d...ces aménagés ID | |
Thésaurus de la d...ces aménagés ID | |
Thésaurus de la d...ces aménagés ID |
Commons category | |
Commons category |
skos:altLabel |
owned by | |
YSO ID | |
BabelNet ID | |
Microsoft Academic ID | |
YSO ID | |
BabelNet ID | |
Microsoft Academic ID | |
owned by | |
BabelNet ID |
Microsoft Academic ID |
is owl:sameAs of | |
is about of | |
is has part(s) of the class of | |
is has part(s) of the class of | |
is instance of of |