episode of Star Trek: Discovery (S1 E1)
Attributes | Values |
rdf:type | |
owl:sameAs | |
description |
publication date | |
publication date |
language of work or name | |
language of work or name | |
rdfs:label |
skos:prefLabel |
name |
plot expanded in | |
plot expanded in | |
author | |
author | |
Fandom article ID | |
Fandom article ID |
title | |
title |
original broadcaster | |
original broadcaster | |
color | |
color | |
follows | |
followed by | |
instance of | |
part of | |
followed by | |
instance of | |
part of | |
aspect ratio (W:H) | |
season | |
aspect ratio (W:H) | |
season | |
WikiTrek article ID | |
WikiTrek article ID |
publisher | |
takes place in fictional universe | |
cast member |