Austrian myriapodologist
Attributes | Values |
rdf:type | |
description |
rdfs:label |
skos:prefLabel |
name |
given name | |
given name | |
instance of | |
instance of | |
ZOBODAT person ID | |
ZOBODAT person ID |
ZooBank author ID | |
ResearchGate profile ID | |
ZooBank author ID |
ResearchGate profile ID |
Google Scholar author ID | |
Google Scholar author ID |
occupation | |
employer | |
languages spoken, written or signed | |
sex or gender | |
IdRef ID | |
country of citizenship | |
BHL creator ID | |
date of birth | |
maintained by WikiProject | |
family name | |
WorldCat Identities ID (superseded) | |
IdRef ID | |
occupation | |
employer | |
languages spoken, written or signed | |
sex or gender |