policy adviser and public servant
Attributes | Values |
rdf:type | |
description |
rdfs:label |
skos:prefLabel |
name |
LinkedIn personal profile ID | |
LinkedIn personal profile ID |
instance of | |
described at URL | |
instance of | |
described at URL | |
doctoral advisor | |
doctoral advisor | |
ResearchGate profile ID | |
ResearchGate profile ID |
academic thesis | |
academic thesis | |
occupation | |
sex or gender | |
Library of Congress authority ID | |
on focus list of Wikimedia project | |
academic degree | |
educated at | |
WorldCat Identities ID (superseded) | |
Library of Congress authority ID | |
occupation | |
sex or gender | |
Library of Congress authority ID |
on focus list of Wikimedia project | |
academic degree | |
educated at | |
WorldCat Identities ID (superseded) |
is about of | |
is author of | |
is author of | |
is doctoral student of | |
is doctoral student of | |
is copyright holder of | |
is copyright holder of |