Slovak video game developer
Attributes | Values |
rdf:type | |
description |
rdfs:label |
skos:prefLabel |
name |
legal form | |
legal form | |
instance of | |
instance of | |
country | |
country | |
inception | |
inception |
headquarters location | |
total assets | |
headquarters location | |
total assets |
skos:altLabel | |
product or materia... service provided | |
OpenStreetMap node ID | |
located in the adm...erritorial entity | |
official name | |
Facebook username | |
YouTube channel ID | |
coordinate location | |
official website | |
product or materia... service provided | |
OpenStreetMap node ID |
located in the adm...erritorial entity | |
official name | |
Facebook username |
YouTube channel ID |
coordinate location |
official website | |
total revenue | |
industry | |
total revenue |
industry | |
Slovak Registration ID | |
Slovak Registration ID |
is about of |