Attributes | Values |
rdf:type | |
description | |
publication date | |
publication date |
language of work or name | |
language of work or name | |
Goodreads version/edition ID | |
Goodreads version/edition ID |
rdfs:label |
skos:prefLabel |
name |
author | |
author | |
title | |
title | |
Internet Archive ID | |
Internet Archive ID |
image | |
instance of | |
image | |
instance of | |
main subject | |
main subject | |
publisher | |
narrative location | |
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narrative location | |
number of pages | |
last line | |
number of pages |
last line | |
skos:altLabel | |
country of origin | |
copyright status | |
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copyright status | |
edition number | |
edition number |
first line | |
place of publication | |
first line | |
place of publication | |
Beirut Arab Univer...ibraries title ID | |
Beirut Arab Univer...ibraries title ID |
is about of | |
is notable work of | |
is notable work of |