impact of the pandemic on the mental health, including stress, anxiety and worry for many individuals around the world, arising both from the disease itself and from response measures such as social distancing
تأثيرات جائحة فيروس كورونا 2019–20 على الصحة النفسية (ar)
ভাইরাসঘটিত মহামারীর মনস্তাত্ত্বিক দিক (bn)
impact of the pandemic on the mental health, including stress, anxiety and worry for many individuals around the world, arising both from the disease itself and from response measures such as social distancing (en)
Impatto della pandemia sulla salute mentale, inclusi lo stress, l'ansia e la preoccupazione per molte persone in tutto il mondo, derivanti sia dalla malattia stessa che dalle misure di risposta come il distanziamento sociale (it)
Impacto del COVID-19 en la salud mental de las personas alrededor del mundo (es)