American animated television series
Attributes | Values |
rdf:type | |
description |
rdfs:label |
skos:prefLabel |
name |
number of episodes | |
RatingGraph TV show ID | |
number of seasons | |
original broadcaster | |
TMDB TV series ID | | ID | |
number of episodes |
RatingGraph TV show ID |
number of seasons |
original broadcaster | |
TMDB TV series ID |
| ID |
image | |
instance of | |
image | |
instance of | |
start time | |
start time |
YouTube video ID | |
YouTube video ID |
Plex media key | |
Kinobox film ID | | title ID | |
Kinopoisk film ID | |
Google Knowledge Graph ID | |
production company | |
LUMIERE film ID | |
FilmAffinity film ID | |
director | | ID | |
Google Knowledge Graph ID | |
Plex media key |
Kinobox film ID |
| title ID |
producer | |
Kinopoisk film ID |
Google Knowledge Graph ID |
production company |