Dutch fashion house director and designer (1857-1924)
Attributes | Values |
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description |
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skos:prefLabel |
name |
image | |
instance of | |
image | |
instance of | |
Google Knowledge Graph ID | |
Google Knowledge Graph ID | |
Google Knowledge Graph ID |
skos:altLabel |
occupation | |
employer | |
place of birth | |
sex or gender | |
Geni.com profile ID | |
country of citizenship | |
on focus list of Wikimedia project | |
residence | |
date of birth | |
date of death | |
RKDartists ID | |
Biografisch Portaal van Nederland ID | |
family name | |
copyright status as a creator | |
RKDartists ID | |
occupation | |
employer | |
place of birth | |
sex or gender | |
Geni.com profile ID |
country of citizenship | |
on focus list of Wikimedia project | |
residence | |
date of birth |
date of death |
RKDartists ID |
Biografisch Portaal van Nederland ID |