scientific book series
Attributes | Values |
rdf:type | |
description |
language of work or name | |
language of work or name | |
ISO 4 abbreviation | |
UniProt journal ID | |
Scilit journal ID | |
UniProt journal ID | |
ISO 4 abbreviation |
UniProt journal ID |
Scilit journal ID |
rdfs:label |
skos:prefLabel |
name |
Freebase ID | |
Freebase ID |
title | |
title |
ERA Journal ID | |
Danish Bibliometri...h Indicator level | |
Danish Bibliometri...tor (BFI) SNO/CNO | |
ERA Journal ID |
Danish Bibliometri...h Indicator level |
Danish Bibliometri...tor (BFI) SNO/CNO |
editor | |
editor | |
NLM Unique ID | |
NLM Unique ID |
instance of | |
instance of | |
country | |
country | |
main subject | |
main subject | |
publisher | |
publisher | |
inception | |
inception |
OpenAlex ID | |
country of origin | |
official website | |
OpenAlex ID |
country of origin |