Swedish lieutenant-general and commander of the army
Attributes | Values |
rdf:type | |
description |
rdfs:label |
skos:prefLabel |
name |
KulturNav-ID | |
KulturNav-ID | |
KulturNav-ID |
given name | |
given name | |
described by source | |
image | |
instance of | |
described by source | |
image | |
instance of | |
award received | |
award received | |
Dictionary of Swed...onal Biography ID | |
Dictionary of Swed...onal Biography ID | |
Dictionary of Swed...onal Biography ID |
Google Knowledge Graph ID | |
Google Knowledge Graph ID | |
Google Knowledge Graph ID |
Commons category | |
Commons category |
skos:altLabel | |
Google Arts & Culture entity ID | |
occupation |