web series
Attributes | Values |
rdf:type | |
description |
rdfs:label |
skos:prefLabel |
name |
title | |
title |
number of episodes | |
RatingGraph TV show ID | |
number of episodes |
RatingGraph TV show ID |
color | |
color | |
instance of | |
instance of | |
takes place in fictional universe | |
cast member | |
Kinopoisk film ID | |
production company | |
original language of film or TV show | |
director | |
screenwriter | |
Trakt.tv ID | |
takes place in fictional universe | |
cast member | |
Kinopoisk film ID |
production company | |
original language of film or TV show | |
director | |
screenwriter | |
Trakt.tv ID |
genre | |
IMDb ID | |
country of origin | |
genre | |
country of origin | |
is about of | |
is product or materia... service provided of | |
is product or materia... service provided of | |
is part of the series of | |
is part of the series of | |
is fictional universe described in of | |
is fictional universe described in of |